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How To Measure Image Building And Brand Awareness In PR Campaigns In Poland?

Updated: Dec 20, 2023

Building image and brand awareness is one of the main goals of PR campaigns in Poland - and at the same time, one of the most difficult to measure. What metrics to measure the effects are most often used by PR agencies in Poland? Which of them would be effective in what situations? What else is worth remembering?

If your goal is to build brand awareness

Suppose you have a new business or start-up. Even if you provide the best product or service, people don’t know about you yet. Perhaps your business isn’t new at all, and you just haven’t paid much attention to how often people talk about you. You need to know that almost everything that journalists or influencers write about other brands online is content previously planned by PR specialists. Sometimes the brand awareness machine only needs to be set up, and then it works on its own.

Then it is worth asking yourself questions:

  • How many times (e.g. within a month) appear in media communication?

  • Does the information about the brand reach its target group?

  • Does the target group mention your brand in discussions?

If your goal is to work on brand reputation

This goal is one of the main goals of PR in itself. When you are a brand that has been on the market for a while and already has some reputation, it is worth working on building a strong image among customers. To measure the effectiveness of such professional PR in Poland, you should have a specific communication strategy, a defined key brand message, and the main benefits you want to talk about to your target group.

Also, ask yourself questions:

  • Does the brand’s message really reach the target audience?

  • Does your message appear in the media?

  • Do consumers and the media use your benefits and message?

Image building and brand awareness measurement metrics

There are at least several dozen different metrics that help to measure the effectiveness of PR campaigns in Poland. They can be divided into several basic groups. Here are the most important of them:

Media coverage - this metric helps you determine if journalists consider you as an expert in the industry:

  • Number of interviews given to the media,

  • Number of comments given to the media on a given topic,

  • Number of media content about the brand given by the agency,

  • Number of media content about the brand, initiated by journalists,

  • Ratio of positive mentions to neutral and negative mentions.

Response after media publications - tells you how much your customers, business partners, and competitors take your opinion into account:

  • Number of reactions of each of these groups,

  • The ratio of positive to neutral and negative reactions,

  • The number of direct responses (e.g., competition talking about topics you provide).

Invitations to industry events - its number allows you to determine to what extent brand representatives are considered experts in the industry:

  • Number of invitations,

  • The degree of promotion of the company’s representatives (for example, if they close or open a panel or get more speaking time may suggest that the industry respects you),

  • The number of interviews given at the event.

Results compared to the competition - allows you to determine the brand’s position compared to competing companies in the industry:

  • Comparison of the number of media publications,

  • Comparison of the ratio of positive mentions of negative relations compared to the competition.

Survey results - research with the participation of respondents from your target group is the most effective way to test brand awareness:

  • Aided awareness research (for example, if respondents select brands that they associate with a given industry from a list),

  • Unaided awareness research (for example, if respondents have to recall the names of brands that come to their minds from a given industry).

Building brand awareness and a positive image among customers is one of the most important goals of PR campaigns in Poland and beyond. Thanks to this, you work in the long term on how customers perceive your brand and convey the values you defined.

Before choosing specific tactics for your campaign, it is worth seeking advice from an experienced consultant. Feel free to request a free consultation with the experts at Awesome PR girls using the button below.

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