You have found the perfect agency to run PR services in Poland. What are the next steps? What must you determine together before starting work and creating PR campaigns in Poland? Here is what you can expect from a professional PR agency in Poland.
What does your company care about?
The beginning of working with a PR agency in Poland usually means a lot of talks, research, and arrangements. You can expect at least a few meetings where you will discuss your company’s goals, strengths, expectations, and how they can be met (so-called OKR - Objectives and Key Results). It’s good for you to be able to define in advance what goals you set for the agency and what you expect. Never do PR just because it is appropriate to do something. PR goals can be long-term (improving brand reputation, building awareness among recipients, or reaching journalists and opinion leaders), or short-term (a specific publication in a magazine or several magazines, cover, etc.). By breaking down PR activities into prime factors, professional agencies determine the starting situation.

The starting point for PR activities in Poland
Once you have your goals set together (both short-term and long-term), it’s time to research at what stage of achieving these goals the company currently is. A professional PR agency in Poland always starts its work with detailed research of the brand’s target groups and how they perceive the brand. The agency examines whether potential customers know something about the brand (and if so, what they think about it) and its closest competitors. What if the brand starts from scratch and its goal is to build brand awareness among consumers? In this case, you can skip the brand image research stage - instead, the agency examines general trends among customers in this industry and competitors. It helps to effectively define appropriate metrics to measure the effects of their subsequent work.

Metrics for assessing the effectiveness of Polish PR Agency
Professional Public relations in Poland cannot be chaotic. All your goals must be measured so that at the end of each month, the agency can determine whether the PR activities are paying off or if something needs to be optimised. These are the metrics used by the Polish PR Agency for measuring activities.
So, if your goal is to build your brand reputation, the metrics could be:
The number of publications about the brand,
The number of interviews given to journalists,
The number of reactions under publications,
The number of mentions about the brand on the internet.
If your goal is to support sales, the metrics can be:
The number of visits to the website,
The number of leads (such as an increase in the number of leads after large publications),
The number of followers on social media.
If your goal is image repair, the metrics can be:
The number of positive publications in the media,
The number of positive reactions on social media.
The number of positive comments under media publications,
Changing the proportion of positive to negative comments,
If your goal is to raise awareness, the Polish PR Agency will check:
The number of mentions about the company on the Internet (as well as their size and scope),
The engagement rate for posts on social media,
The number of interviews given to journalists,
The number of mentions and covers in large media,
Research results with the help of respondents (for example, the number of people who identified a brand as one of the first that comes to mind when they think about companies in a given industry).

Watch out for overly optimism
The desire to see the effects immediately is often fatal in determining metrics. Instead, it is much more profitable to set aside short-term gratification for long-term gains - even if it is less spectacular. What does this mean in practice? Suppose your goal is to increase awareness of your new brand. Naturally, you would like information about it to appear in the largest national magazine - after all, the more readers, the greater the publicity. However, professional PR agencies in Poland often suggest cooling emotions a bit and instead propose a few to a dozen publications in more niche (and cheaper) media. Does this mean that the agency does not know its job? It’s quite the opposite! The PR agency knows that ten publications in trade magazines for the price of one publication in a prominent magazine will give much better results.
When you and a PR agency in Poland already have specific goals and methods of measuring them set up, it will be much easier to work and optimise further activities. Also, you will be able to check the effectiveness more easily. It’s a win-win situation, so never deny professionals access to up-to-date data as well as statistics. It is the only way to see the long-lasting effects.
Before choosing specific tactics for your campaign, it is worth seeking advice from an experienced consultant. Feel free to request a free consultation with the experts at Awesome PR girls using the button below.