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Organic Cosmetics On Instagram - Does It Make Any Sense In Poland?

Updated: Dec 20, 2023

There is nothing new that Instagram is dominated by women. Poland is no difference – over 58% of Polish Instagram users are women. Instagram over those years became the biggest internet source of inspiration, but the purchase motivation factor at the same time. That is why many brands focused on their social media marketing strategy on this platform – especially female brands (fashion, design, and beauty). However, is it worth to invest time and money to Instagram in Poland being a foreign organic cosmetic brand? What are the potential benefits?

The ability to present brands philosophy

The first main goal of Instagram was sharing pictures. No other social media platform is more focused on pictures than Instagram. Thanks to this, it quickly became a platform for photography and lifestyle inspirations. We didn’t have to wait long to see the first brands that started to make use of this potential. By climatic photos, brands can show their philosophy and general style perfectly, and inspire many followers. Such form of advertising message bypasses the so-called banner blindness, which is the occurrence of reflexively ignoring all elements that look like advertisements.

The Hagi Cosmetics natural cosmetics brand is very good at using this opportunity, presenting on Instagram photos in a delicate, feminine style. The products are woven into a part of the minimalistic philosophy presented by the brand:

We can notice a similar thing at the profile of another Polish organic cosmetic brand -Resibo. The girly style of posts and minimalism are very pleasing and aesthetic. Looking at them, first, we see the lifestyle of their potential Polish client. Product is just a small, almost invisible elements.

Increasing fan engagement

Instagram gathers fans of the brand in one place. The platform itself also provides unique opportunities when it comes to communicating with people. Posts, Insta Stories, Surveys, Questions - all of them allow you to keep in touch with your clients. My Precious cosmetics brand is doing a great job by giving its fans the opportunity to ask questions about the brand and its cosmetics:

This is important when we talk about natural cosmetics because their clients are usually very conscious consumers. They often look for information from the source to learn the exact ingredients, the origin of them, or the way products are tested. HelloBody brand makes similar efforts, additionally placing the conversations with clients in the Highlights section. You can see that the brand is close and clients and always provides advice on how to use specific products.

Instagram engagement can be also aroused in a different way. For example, by cooperations with Polish Influencers promoting products on the brands' profile. It is also a good way to increase the reach of the brand and awareness among fans of the given influencer. Polish clients are eager to engage with people who they follow and who inspire them in terms of beauty care. A great example of such cooperation with influencers we can found in the Skin79 brand Instagram. Here is an example of the competition organized with Deynn:

The possibility to educate clients

Organic and natural cosmetics are a relatively new trend in Poland. Although it becomes more and more attractive in the blogosphere and on Instagram, people still have quite poor knowledge about the natural ingredients and the differences between drugstore and natural cosmetics. Instagram gives brands a lot of possibilities to educate their potential clients – not only about cosmetic issues but about the natural way of living as well. It is also an excellent platform to show how the specific product actually works. On Instagram, we can create advertises in more fun, appealing, and less pushy way. Here is an excellent example of this on Polish cosmetic brand Yope latest Insta Story:

We can find similar content on the profile of Purobio – also the producer of natural cosmetics:

And on Instagram of Make Me Bio brand:

Direct sale

This is presumably the most relevant aspect – as we know, in the end, it is all about the sale. Instagram as a platform for inspiration, education, and communications has been offering new sales opportunities and tools from some time. On the brand's Polish Instagram, account producer can place a store. But why do this if we sell all the products on the internet already? First of all – it allows your clients to shop directly from Instagram. Secondly, it let you mark individual product in the store n all the photos posted on your profile.

This Insta Shop tool we can find on the profile of cosmetic brand Clochee:

We can also buy some of the Organique products on their Polish Instagram as well:

As you see, Instagram seems to be the best platform for brands that produce natural cosmetics and want to promote on the Polish market. It not only allows for constant contact with customers and inspires the potential ones. First of all, they let you educate people and show them your philosophy. Organic cosmetic fans pay close attention to the ingredients, origin, and how the product is tested. Instagram is a platform for exchanging opinions and experiences between brand and clients. If you want to use the maximum of Instagram to promote your organic cosmetics brand - write to us. We know not only the product market but also Polish Instagram users and how to attract them.

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